What a month it’s been here at Skydive Atmosfera! September was full of first skydives, exciting course milestones, and unforgettable moments in Seville’s beautiful skies. Our students took their first leaps with all the thrill and adrenaline you’d expect. They progressed smoothly through their licenses with confidence and enthusiasm.

Most importantly, everyone stayed safe, with plenty of smiles to go around. From harness drills to canopy control, each jump brought a new sense of achievement. It also provided a ton of shared laughter. The real magic of the September skydive happened both in the sky and on the ground. Some felt that rush of free-fall for the first time. Others shared stories and bonded with fellow jumpers back at the drop-zone.

Moreover, the value of the new skills acquired through the AFF courses can’t be overstated. Not only did students advance toward new licenses, but they also formed lasting friendships, meeting fellow skydivers from different countries. These connections added an extra layer of excitement and a sense of belonging to the entire experience. Truly, September’s skydive sessions have been invaluable.

At Skydive Atmosfera, it’s more than just learning to skydive. It’s about embracing the experience, making memories, and building a skydiving family. Here’s to another month of jumps, laughs, and reaching new heights together, especially during a September skydive!

Blue skies! 🪂

skydive atmosfera spain, aff course, kurs aff, skokiwhiszpanii, skydive, skydiver, skydivespain, sept24 skoki z iwanem
Iza and Iwan on her AFF Level-2 Jump. Photo by the secondary instructor Tomek.
skydive atmosfera spain, aff course, kurs aff, skokiwhiszpanii, skydive, skydiver, skydivespain, sept24 skoki z iwanem
Epic solo exit by Marcin working towards his B licence.
skydive atmosfera spain, aff course, kurs aff, skokiwhiszpanii, skydive, skydiver, skydivespain, sept24 skoki z iwanem
Michał about to jump into the unknown on his AFF Level 1.
Bożenka with her tandem instructor Iwan landing safely after a joyful tandem jump.