Here you have new dates for AFF courses in the first half of 2023. Please contact us if none of these dates below suits you. AFF course will adjust to your special needs, requirements and free time :).
The dates below indicate the arrival day. This means you should plan your trip to get here on the mentioned date the latest. The ground school will take place the next day after arrival, after breakfast.
After the ground school, which will take almost the whole day, on the next day we start skydiving. From then on each student is progressing individually, according to his/her skills, physical conditions and of course sensibility.
AFF courses – dates 2023 – second half
- 15.09 – one last slot
- 28.09
- 05.10
- 13.10 – one last slot
- 19.10
- 03.11
- 08.12
If none of these dates suits you —> get in touch, we will figure out something!
We are happy to see that Wizzair airlines start to operate comfortable flights from Warsaw directly to Seville. Finally! Also we believe Ryanair will start again to operate direct flights from WAW Modlin to SVQ Seville.
We recommend to book your accommodation in the place we prepared especially for our courses students, skydivers and friends to ensure your stressless staying. As you know we also offer airport pick-up, daily DZ lifts, take away meals and general residential care for whatever help you need in Spain.