How long is a freefall before opening my parachute?

Hoola Hop Fun and more

AFF Course Smashed So big congrats to our October AFF course students and welcome to the sky! Now licence progression waits ahead of you. As well as the need of your own skydiving gear. By the way we know just a perfect place 😉 – perfect place to start Read more…

why do people skydive

Summer in October

With pleasant summer temperature we don´t stop skydiving daily. Grzegorz just got reactivated after a break and headed straight for his C licence! Kuba is doing amazing progress, yesterday AFF and today the first licence done! This is what happens when you can jump every day for a 10 days Read more…

Skyvan Crash in Piotrków (Poland)

We are sad to inform about a skydiving aircraft accident as of Saturday, 3rd September 2022. A Short SC.7 Skyvan 3M-400 was destroyed when it crashed near Piotrków Trybunalski-Bujny Airport (EPPT), Poland. Both occupants died. Preliminary information indicates the aircraft dropped 20 skydivers earlier in the flight and was returning Read more…

Yesterday AFF, today 200 jumps!

Big congratulations to Kudi, Malfoy for their licence progression and fun in skydiving. Beware young Padawans! The evil lurks in the neglect ;). Like the chill skydiving the summer suits in off landing ;))). Stay safe, enjoy, end come back for D licence!